
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Doing You WELL Wednesday (HANG IN THERE!)

Hello Victorious Friends!

Today, I assure you that God, who is our Alpha and Omega, has been with you and has seen your situation from the beginning. Because of this, according to HIS WORD, you have already come out on top. Your mission has already been completed. You have already reached the finish line - by faith. Therefore, as you are going through, understand that where you are right now is temporary. The Psalmist said, "yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death." Notice the phrase, "walk through".

Not stuck in -

Not abiding -

Not dwelling -

"Walk through" assures us that we are moving. How are we moving? We are moving and walking by faith and not by sight.

For, it is in HIM that we live, we move and we have our being! (Acts 17:28)

I am reminded of the three Hebrew boys in the firey furnace. They had been bound and thrown into an overheated furnace . God chose to bless them in spite of this. The plan of the enemy was aborted. It did not come to pass! When the morning came, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were found walking around in the firey furnace - loosed and alive!

They didn't smell like smoke.

They didn't have any burn marks.

They had no ashes on their countenance. Remember, God told us in Isaiah that He would turn our ashes into beauty.

My victorious friends, I encourage you to keep living and moving by faith. Although the blows may be coming at you - from the left and from the right, DO NOT give up! Remember, God has great plans for you! (Jeremiah 29:11)




  1. I relished these words of encouragement tonight, friend. Right now, we're in the middle of an ongoing situation we'd like to see improve, and it just seems like we're wondering in the dessert - waiting and waiting on God to move on our behalf. However, staying under the umbrella of His will is our number one priority. If His timing isn't allowing something to happen, there's a reason. Thanks for this reminder.


    1. Meredith, sometimes( most times), we want God to move when we want HIM to move. But, HE does not always operate according to our time table. That is difficult for us to understand when we want things instantly.

      Praying and believing that God will strengthen you through your situation!

  2. Yes! Love your encouragement with this. The blows can be tough, but faith is powerful!

    1. Yes Joi, faith is ever so powerful. And, it is our faith that will bring us through!

  3. Hi Victory, such a lovely encouragement here today. Thank you, just what I needed to hear
    God bless

    1. You're welcome, Tracy. Continue to be encouraged - in the Lord!

  4. Amen Sis! A great reminder to never forget...that we should be STILL and know that He is God!! For without FAITH, it's impossible to please Him! Thanks for linking up today...have a blessed rest of your week!

    1. You're welcome, Michell. You have a blessed rest of the week, also! - Looking forward to your Weekly Pearl!

  5. Awesome post. Your words are right on time. Thank you.

    Stopping by from DYWW. :) Blessings.

  6. An encouraging post! Thank you for sharing.

  7. So glad I hop over to your site. I needed to hear those words, don't give up...wait upon the Lord, be still and know He is God. Thank you.

    1. So good to have you over here, Betty. Have a great week!

  8. Hi,just back from our hols and so glad I'm browsing through your blog. Thanks for those encouraging words. Be blessed. Nicky xx

  9. I am so glad to have you visit my blog today. You're welcome! Have a blessed weekend.


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