
Monday, October 3, 2022

Out With the Old, In With the New!

    There is an imaginary pole called an axis that goes through the center of the Earth.  The tilt in the axis causes our seasons to change. Whenever there is a seasonal change, atmospheric conditions begin to shift.  In order to remain comfortable during the transition and throughout the new season, it is important that we alter our wardrobes to coincide with the new season.  As a result of this shift, we either remove layers of clothing or we add layers of clothing.    

Metaphorically, life is filled with seasons.  And just as we adapt our wardrobes, we must learn to adapt our spirit man in every season. Failure to do so may result in DISCOMFORT or we may NOT survive - due to extreme climatic changes.  Friendships have seasons, relationships have seasons, assignments have seasons and situations have seasons.  And, during every season, the climate changes. During this time, it is necessary that we embrace the current season and understand that the attitudes and ideologies that were applicable for yesterday may NOT be applicable for today.  What you did and how you behaved during the last season of your life may not work for the present season.  ADAPT to the present - the season has changed!

He changes times and seasons.  He removes kings and installs kings. 

He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.

Daniel 2:21


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