
Monday, August 26, 2024

Mental Health Monday

 You Can’t See the Forest for the Trees

We’ve often heard this proverbial phrase quoted when someone overlooks the bigger picture by focusing on a smaller detail. And, when that happens, they fail to see that which is very obvious. When the obvious is finally seen, it brings about a shocking revelation. This often happens when someone has dismissed or ignored an apparent message or an obvious cue. It happens AFTER the fact.  The one who has the revelation often asks the following questions:

  • How could I not see that?
  • Why did I ignore that?
  • How could I have been so blindsided?
  • Why didn’t I see that sooner?

This happens frequently in relationships.  Oftentimes, people choose to dismiss the messages and overlook the obvious. Why- you might ask? When people are in relationships (courtships, engagements, families, friendships, etc.), they are often in a vulnerable state. When people are in a vulnerable state, their view is often cloudy. In other words, people don’t clearly see what they would normally see. Vulnerable people let DOWN guards that would otherwise be UP. Vulnerable people leave OPEN entrances that would normally be CLOSED. Vulnerable people allow ACCESS that would normally be DENIED.

And, most of us have been in this place at one point in time or another. It is a very painful state of mind to be in.  It is characterized by despair, isolation and self-pity. If you are in this state or when you are in this state, there are several measures that can be implemented that may be helpful in getting out of despair and back into normalcy.

  1. Realize that getting out of despair will likely take time.  It is NOT a quick fix!  You did not get there overnight.
  2. A-N-A-L-Y-Z-E the situation.
  3. Use your words carefully.  Be quick to listen and slow to speak! (James 1:19)
  4. Now that you can finally see the forest for the trees, you decide what to do with the new found revelation.  How will you respond now that you know?


  1. This awesome. Thank you for our insight. 😊

    1. Thanks for visiting the blog and taking time to comment. Have a blessed week!


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