BE careful that you do NOT entertain demons. Demonic activity is running rampant, and the enemy has unleashed his cohorts throughout the land. He disguises his handiwork so that it looks innocent - even to the believer. Remember, that the Most High is not the author of fear. Nor has he given man the spirit of fear. Anything that causes fear and terror to overwhelm you is NOT of GOD! As believers, we must be mindful as to NOT give place to the devil.
Oftentimes, during this season, people spend great effort inviting demons into their homes, their lives and into their spirits. However, most people fail to drive those demons out. Please understand me - whenever you invite them in and fail to drive them out, those same demons become ever so comfortable and they begin to make your environment their environment. As a matter of fact, they “set up camp” right there in your environment. They become so comfortable that they send for their cohorts and begin to establish permanent residence right there - with you! The dark world of the occult is NOT to be played with. That includes Halloween, seances, ouija boards, soothsayers, warlocks, witches, voodoo and the like.
Children of the Most High - when we know better, the Most High God expects us to do better!
Leviticus 19:31
“Do not turn to those who are mediums or to soothsayers. Do not seek them out to be defiled by them. I am Adonai your God.
(Tree of Life Version)
Covenant Grace Ministries