What’s Your Connection?
Never underestimate the power of God. Sometimes, we take for granted that we can do things on our own - totally independent of Almighty God. While we underestimate HIS power, we often, overestimate our own abilities - failing to realize that apart from HIM we are absolutely nothing.
For it is in Him that we live, we move and we have our being. (Acts 17:28)
So, today, I pose two questions -”Who are you with? And, with whom are you trying to do whatever it is you are trying to do?”
Are you trying to do things with your reasoning? Perhaps, you are trusting your education, your intellect or your beliefs to make things happen in your life. OR,
Are you trying to make things happen because of your resources? Maybe your income or your bank account is so impressive that you feel as if you can move mountains. OR,
Are you trying to make things happen because of your relationships? You know how we, sometimes, have a tendency to name drop. We try to use name dropping as a way to persuade others to move on our behalf. Relationships with other people are important. But, if you don’t have a relationship with the RIGHT ONE, all of your endeavors are in vain.
Could it be that the reason your attempts are unfruitful is because you are not connected with the RIGHT ONE? Could it be that your efforts, alone, are just not enough?
The WORD of God reminds us in Matthew 19:26 that without God, our efforts are impossible. They are pointless. They are counteractive, fruitless and without direction.
Remember, it was Daniel’s connection with God that allowed him to spend a night with hungry lions and not become their dinner. It was Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego’s connection with God that protected them from a fiery furnace. It was Paul and Silas’ connection with God that made it possible for them to walk out of prison.
Therefore, I encourage you, today, to check your connections. Are you with God, or are you with man? Because the WORD plainly states that, “With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible”.